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Infragistics Excel formula Query


We are using Infragistics Excel control, facing some issue how to copy First row formulas to all other rows with cell increment eg.

First Row formulas

K1=IF(D1="96","",A1)    L1=IF(D1="96","",B1) ,etc.,

same apply to 

K-L column copy for all rows having 1046 rows. formula should change all cell with row id eg K2 should have

K2=IF(D2="96","",A2)    L2=IF(D2="96","",B2) ,etc.,

Note: please share code sample with


Kumaran Krishnamurthi

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    Offline posted

    Hii everyone

    To solve the problem of Infragistics Excel controlwe need to use the to copy the formula from the first row to all other rows with cell increments:

    Get the formula from the first row.
    Repeat each next row.
    Update the formula in each cell to adjust cell references based on the row index.
    Apply the update formula to the corresponding cell in each row.
    Be sure to handle any edge cases or special conditions specific to your implementation.

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