On AG/IG ~13.2.
As a followup to Color coordinating by parameters between charts, I'm wondering how to get data points to be plotted based upon multiple attributes.
I have built in functionality to filter down (and sum by) multiple attributes, as requested by the user in the data grid elements. Now the task is to align the data chart with that data. Data rows will still contain all attributes (Demand, Design, Facility, Family, Process), but will only appear to have whatever is selected for visibility (Process + any combination of the other attributes).
For example, a user might only specify Demand. The resultant identifiers for plotted data points would be `${demand} for ${process}` and reference rowdata matching those attributes.
It seems very much like what I have implemented as a work-around. Thanks for looking at it.
Hello Chris,
I have been investigating into the behavior you are looking to achieve, and I am under the impression that you are looking to align the data in the IgxDataChart with the sorted/filtered data in the IgxGrid. If this is not the case, please let me know as the following is based upon that impression.
When you perform sorting/filtering on the IgxGrid, I do not believe it is actually modifying the data that you have directly bound to the grid, but the grid does expose a dataView property/accessor, which returns the currently transformed row data per the settings that are applied to the grid. Alternatively, there are also other accessors such as filteredData that can help you to construct a data source for the chart to reflect what is in the grid.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
With the complex logic discussed in the previous answer(s), I just went with recombining the data and renaming the Design attribute to what I wanted it to appear as. I don't know if IG has a way built in to specifiy the attributes and actually hit all the data points correctly that way, but I'd love to see it if you do.