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igx grid row editing on click 'done' not triggering any method in ts file
<igx-grid [id]="gridId" #[data]="testData"  [autoGenerate]="false" [primaryKey]="'TId'"
        width="100%" height="100%" [rowEditable]="true" [allowFiltering]="true" [rowSelection]="'multiple'"
        (onRowSelectionChange)="handleRowSelection($event)"  (onCellEditEnter)="cellEditStart($event)"
        (onEditDone)="editDone($event)" > 
.ts file:
 public editDone(event: IGridEditEventArgs) {   
On click 'DONE' in row edit is not hitting any break points in ts file editDone() method.
How can I call a method when user click on 'DONE' button in in-line row editing.
  • 1560
    Offline posted

    I have been looking into your question and what I could say is that from version 12.0.x a lot of the grid events are renamed.
    A list of all IgxGridComponent properties, methods and events could be found here.

    Additionally, here could be found a small sample based on the provided code-snippet where I'm handling the rowEditDone event which is emitted after exiting edit mode for a row and editing has been committed.

    Please test it on your side and let me know if I may be of any further assistance.
    Teodosia Hristodorova
    Associate Software Developer