Right now in multiple row selection, I can select a row, but I can't unselect it.
(onRowSelectionChange) the function is triggered only if a row is unselected.
when a row is selected and I am again clicking the row, but this time (onRowSelectionChange) is not getting triggered.
can you help me with this?
public onCellClick(event) { if (event.event.shiftKey) { this.cellWasClicked = false; return; } let rowID = event.cell.cellID.rowID; if (!event.cell.row.selected) { this.treeGrid.selectRows([rowID], false); } else { this.treeGrid.deselectRows([rowID]); } this.cellWasClicked = true; } public handleRowSelection(event) { if (this.cellWasClicked) { event.cancel = true; this.cellWasClicked = false; } }