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Module build failed: @include igx-dark-theme($green-palette); ^ No mixin named igx-dark-theme

I am using angular 6 version hence i installed "igniteui-angular""6.2.0" and the feature I want to use is igxtexthighlightdirective.

After npm run build I am getting  following error:

Module build failed:
@include igx-dark-theme($green-palette);
No mixin named igx-dark-the.


Here is my style.scss

@import "~igniteui-angular/lib/core/styles/themes/index";
@include igx-core();
@include igx-theme($default-palette, $legacy-support: true);

:root {
  @include css-vars-from-palette($default-palette);
$green-palette: igx-palette(
  $primary: #09f,
  $secondary: #72da67,
  $surface: #333

.fin-dark-theme {
  @include igx-dark-theme($green-palette);
  background: #333;

  ::-moz-placeholder {
    opacity: 1;

.dark-theme {
  background: #333;
  color: #fff;
  @include igx-dark-theme($green-palette, $legacy-support: true);

  .grid-chart-contextmenu-wrapper {
    @include igx-fluent-dark-theme($fluent-excel-palette);
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