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IgxDialog styling is not working


I am using an IgxDialog and need to be able to edit the styles (e.g. make the window wider, change the text/background color of the title, change the design of the buttons) and I am unable to get it to work. I have follow the instructions for styling in the documentation page here. Additionally, I have copied-pasted the code from this example and this example into my project and it still won't work. 

When I copied the method from the documentation page, my styles just don't reach the dialog window. The window opens up without my styling and I can see that the elements for the dialog don't contain my classes or edit.

When I copied the two methods from the stackblitz examples, the window doesn't even open. What I have found is that if I comment out the line "outlet: this.outlet" or "outlet: this.myDiv" in the OverlaySettings, the window will appear but obviously without any of the style edits. That's the only change I need to make in order for the dialog to appear on click, if I don't remove that line then no other change I make will have the dialog appear.

My package.json is showing: 

Thanks in advance for any advice.