I've recently upgraded to Angular 9 and igniteui-angular to 9 beta.7.
What I was doing previously to 'filter' out rows that had no changes in them has stopped working (effectively updating the datasource that the grid was bound to in its data property).
After trying several things I'm ready to ask, what is the prescribed way of doing what I'm trying to do?
Basically, if there are any edits in the grid data, I want the ability to only show them (and then bring back all rows).
Hi Eric,
I am not able to reproduce the issue in the latest release.
Here you can see the sample, which I used.
Can you look at it and modify it to the case when the date is not displayed?
Hi Nadia - this sample shows the items edited but it also shows the unedited data.
What I want is to only show the edited data in the grid.
How I did this before (in previous 8x version it works) is that I filter out the collection that the grid's 'data' property is bound to. For some reason, going to 9x this no longer works and I had to revert.
Here is the 'showEditedOnly' checkbox changed event: public onChangedRecordsOnlyCheckboxChanged(event: IChangeCheckboxEventArgs): void { const aggChanges = this.grid.transactions.getAggregatedChanges(true); if (event.checked && aggChanges && aggChanges.length > 0) { // if checked and there are transactions, limit grid data to those rows transacted upon this.gridData = this.allData.filter((row) => { return aggChanges.findIndex(changedRow => changedRow.id === row.id) >= 0; }); } else { // else go back to all data this.showAllDataInGrid(); } }
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
Here you can see our sample where the updated rows are previewed:
Can you send us a sample how you filter the rows previously in order ton investigate the issue.