Hi.I would like to clear a Dropdown selection.The "setSelectedItem" function of IgxDropDownComponent only accepts values between the Ids of the Dropdown Items list (https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-angular/blob/b74de693f1/projects/igniteui-angular/src/lib/drop-down/drop-down.component.ts#L265).. As such, setting the value to "-1" or "undefined" / "null" has no effect.Shouldn't there be a more elegant solution instead of calling ngOnDestroy() on the component for something as simple as clearing a selection?Thank you for your time.Regards,Cornel Stoica
Hello Cornel,
Thank you for your assistance.
Regards, Monika Kirkova, Infragistics
Opened an issue on the IgniteUi Github page with some code example here :https://github.com/IgniteUI/igniteui-angular/issues/6218
Hi Monika,I will raise an issue on Github but I will keep this post as not answered until I get an actual solution.I will make sure to post the solution here.Thank you.Regards,Cornel Stoica
After investigating this further, what I can suggest is creating an issue in our GitHub repository here. This will give you the opportunity to communicate directly with our developers and get notifications when new information regarding your issue is available.
When creating your issue be sure to be specific and provide as much details as possible. Attaching a working sample, screenshots and any information that consider relevant are going to be very helpful.
Please let me know if you need more information.
Monika Kirkova,
Sorry, as I am currently trying to solve problems with ComboComponent I did not realize that you were talking about the DropDown