Is it possible to copy only the value inside the selected cell and not add the column header?
For example, copying the selected cell using ctrl+c and pasting it gives the result :
"Order ID 10672" instead of just "10672".
The stackblitz of this example is from the sorting section : https://stackblitz.com/angular/yjpokepvdjoe
Copying a cell on the stackblitz only returns the column name.
Thanks in advance,
John Hong
Our documentation is very detailed and sometimes it's easy to miss something :) Let me know if you have any other questions, I will be glad to help.
Thanks for your answer!
I feel dumb for not noticing it in the documentation...
Thank you for your reply!
I feel dumb for not seeing it in the documentation...
Hey John,
Thank you for your question!
Yes, you can define your own clipboardOptions configuration and set the `copyHeaders` property, to false. Have a look at our official documentation for more information. I believe you will find the demo very helpful.