I am trying to get gradient effect using more than one colors for color filled in 'igx-radial-gauge-range'; tried doing so using brush property but it takes only single solid color.
Want to get gradient effect as shown in above image using ignite-ui for angular.
Is there a workaround or is the feature being developed, if some property is not exposed directly?
Ok,cool. Got it. Thanks Radoslav.
The linear-gradient() is part of the CSS gradients specification. You can refer to the linked page for parameters, usage and browser support.
Thanks Hristo,
The solution does work with Angular component.
But can you share the documentation link explaining parameters for linear-gradient() beyond the ones you have used in JS fiddle sample, if any? I did play around with the percentages specified in the value provided to 'scaleBrush' property, but needed to check if any more info available on it.
The link which you shared for 'scaleBrush' doesn't seem to have any info about gradient usage.
Let me know if i have missed anything.
There is the scaleBrush exposed, that sets the brush to use to fill the background of the scale. You can also set a gradient for the fill in color:
scaleBrush: "linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(2,0,36,1) 0%, rgba(9,9,121,1) 35%, rgba(0,212,255,1) 100%)"
I have also created a sample for you demonstrating this.