How can I force label to display as ellipsis for very long label in my igx-Dialog?
Here is my Dialog and I would like the Url to display as ellipsis
<igx-dialog #detailDialog [title]="detailTitle"> <form class="detailForm" *ngIf="detailForm" [formGroup]="detailForm" igxLayout igxLayoutDir="column" igxLayoutJustify="space-between"> <div igxLayout igxLayoutJustify="space-between"> <label igxFlex="0 0 auto">Name {{ name }}</label> <br /> <label igxFlex="0 0 auto">Url : {{ urlAcknowlegment }}</label> </div> </form> <igx-dialog-actions> <button type="button" class="cancel-button" igxButton (click)="closeDetailDialog()"> Close </button> </igx-dialog-actions> </igx-dialog>
Any suggestions?
Thank you for contacting us!
I made a sample code on stackblitz based on your requirement.
Please, take a look at it and let me know if you have any questions.