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Automating the installation


We wish to install NetAdvantage for .NET 2011 Vol 1 via SCCM. I've downloaded the Complete bundle today and ran 'NetAdvantage_Ultimate_20111.exe' with a /? switch, which shows the command line options. So far, so good.

Unfortunately, some of these option appear to have no effect. These are:

/thirdparty /nofeedback /product

Not being able to select the products is a show-stopper. The following appear to work:

/key /logfolder

I'll also need to use this switch, but haven't yet tried it:


And tgis one is an unknowwn:


Has anyone else come accross this issue? Is there a sample command line that I compare to see if I'm missing something. I'm familiar with MST files so I could go down that route and use the MSIs directly, but I'd prefer to stick with the vendor supplied solution if possible

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