Should we be worried about the health of Infragistics? In prior years a Vol 2 release would be imminent about now, but we've not even see a Vol 1 release yet! Other than perhaps the Windows Phone stuff, It doesn't look like anything has been updated this year. Has there been a reduction in staff, or just a major shift of resources away from the NetAdvantage products onto something else?
The Windows Forms roadmap seems pretty thin this year too, but perhaps that reflects industry trends...
i hope for june there are webinare from infragitics - so they might have a deadline?
or should i better start developing with the infragicits sources nad fix the only error that really hurt me - this i not a advantage for me
PLEASE give use new bytes
We were discussing the same thing today in our product planning meeting.
Does anyone know when we will see 2011.1?
I'd also like to know when the plan is to release 2011 Volume 1?
I do the same question ...One answer is much appreciated
Regards, Lello