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ICON Suggestion

This message is to Infragistics:

 Have you considered selling your icons individually instead of big packs?  I for one would have no problem paying $1 per icon in all sizes.  The reason I bring this up, is sometimes I AM looking for a well made icon to either use in a program or website, but at the same time I never can justify buying an ICON pack because I do not feel I can spend $150-$400. Usually I'm looking to use a very specific small set of icons for a project and don't usually have the budget to pay so much for something that 90% of which I may never use.  This could help out small businesses like myself. 

 This may also be a way to really open up your sales on icons to a larger crowd such as hobbiest, small time contractors, and people doing side jobs.  Just think of it as following the structure setup by Apple for music and movies. 

 At least think about it, then let me know what you decide. =)

  • 3186
    Offline posted

    I must agree to be able to purchase single icons would be wonderful.  By the way you have some very nice sets of them.  Talking the boss into springing the money for the whole set might be very difficult. 

    Thanks for your consideration.

  • 1310

     I agree.  I am a side contractor who can not afford the whole icon package. They are very nice.  I would pay for single icons.