UX at this year's Web 2.0 NYC Conference

jsalvador / Sunday, November 27, 2011

As you may have noticed, 'UX' is a hot topic these days so it's no surprise that most sessions in this year's Web 2.0 conference in New York City revolved around User Experience and applying its principles to designing for the new wave of mobile applications. UX was so prevalent that I remember attending three consecutive sessions starting with Tapworthy author Josh Clarke's Buttons are a Hack: The New Rules of Designing for Touch  to Luke Wroblewski's talk on designing for Mobile First. There were the usual topics on entrepreneurship  such as The Lean Startup (http://www.web2expo.com/webexny2011/public/schedule/detail/20869) which are great but those two sessions I mentioned above along with Nick Sabato's Deceptive UX and Henrik Olsen's Designing for Tablet Experiences left quite an impression on me. This wasn't my first time at this O'Reilly conference and unlike last year, I would say that this year was more educational and/or useful for me. Would I consider another round of Web2NYC magic next year? Probably not but this year possibly being my last wasn't too shabby at all. I have posted the links to various slides and videos from the conference below.  

Buttons are a Hack:

Mobile First:

Designing for Tablet Experiences:

Other Slides: