Log in to like this post! How To Create a C Style Array in Objective-C. Stephen Zaharuk / Thursday, January 7, 2016 So, you've got some data, and you want to store it in an array. Now lets say this data is just a bunch of numbers. In iOS, you could store it in an NSArray, however that requires boxing/unboxing, by wrapping the data in an NSNumber. But hey, boxing/unboxing is expensive, why would we want to do that? Instead, we can create a C style array. double array[10];array[0] = 5.2; Pretty simple. There is another way to declare the same array , however, we take on some responsibility. int size = 10; double* array = calloc(sizeof(double), size); array[0] = 5.2; Still simple, however, it's a bit more complicated. Because we allocated space using calloc (we could have just as easily have used malloc), we're responsible for releasing the data. free(array); If we don't free our array when we're done with it, then there will be a memory leak. And thats basically it! Hope you found this useful~ By Stephen Zaharuk (SteveZ)