MyWorldMaps in Detail

[Infragistics] Mihail Mateev / Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Myworldmaps ( is a Silverlight client ,providing statistical information from Worldmaps  ( ) visualized with components of Infragistics. MyWorldMaps provides various methods of statistics based on the users browser agents and geographic distribution.
Especially attractive is the visualization of multidimensional data using the "Stats Distribution". This user control using XamDataChart and Motion Framework offers a smooth animation of changing values in the data series.

To use effectively MyWorldMaps need to have registration in Worldmaps .

Create a Worldmaps account

Open Worldmaps site and select “Join”.

Fill the registration form.

After registration you could use your Worldmaps account.
Firstly in the account there are no associated maps.

If you want to see a statistic for specific site you need to add a new  map.

When the site is new there will no statistic for this site in the beginning.

If the site you interested to site that is already added from other user you could add it from the Worldmaps leaderboard.

It is possible to see a statistic, related with a selected site.

Use a MyWorldMaps client

MyWorldMaps  is a Silverlight application, that gives us a statistic for a registered sites.
Unlike site Worldmaps, MyWorldMaps offers visualization of statistics by regions with thematic maps and attractive graphical visualization of multidimensional data using the "Stats Distribution", based on Infragistics XamDataChart component and Motion Framework.

Entry screen

You need first to select an account.
By default in the initial screen is active a search option (2).
When you start to type a site name in the search box (1) there will be a list with sites, filtered by the written text.
In this screen is possible to select one of the five recently viewed from your computer sites(3) or from the recently added five sites (4).

You need to select an account in the initial screen. Otherwise there is an error message.When you type in the search box it is possible to select a specific site (3) from the list of sites(2)

If you like to see the ranking list, you can click on “View All” button which will show a leader board of accounts ordered by current ranking.
This option offers a paged grid with all sites, arranged by rank (number of hits).

Leader board grid offers also an additional information about site hits, related to hits for the most visited site from the list.


Main Screen

The main application screen has flowing areas:

1. Tabbed view of selected sites for analysis.

2. Add new web site button – this button will pop-up the Leader Board screen, where you can choose which account to add to the list of sites you want to compare or switch between.

3. Hit information data. Shows following data for currently active site:

  • Hits – total number of hits from time of registration, till the moment.
  • Unique locations – total number of unique locations from time of registration till the moment.
  • Unique visitors – total number of unique visitors from time of registration till the moment. This value might be missing if the account is regular (not premium) or there is no data for the Unique Visitors (value equals to zero).

4. Navigation bar with following options:
a. Map View – use this view to analyze geographic data for the site visits. The more dense the green color is, the more hits are coming from this location. You can click on specific country to view particular locations (i.e. cities) from where the users are coming.
b. Chart statistics – use this view to analyze hit traffic and browser information
c. Stats distribution – use this view to look at 4 dimensional representation of hits data. You can look in animated way how statistics change in time.

5.Link to FAQ Document (this document).

6. Stumble it button.
Stumble it button opens the MyWorldMaps stumbler where you can watch real-time visits for the chosen site.

7. Add to Favorites button
Add to favorites button opens the Add to favorites (Bookmarks) prompt window of your browser. You can save the specific account (web site) to your favorites so next time you can open this account stats instead of going through the LeaderBoard. Please not that this button will not be available in FireFox versions higher than 3.6.3

8. Shows current ranking of active web site chosen.
9. Time period selector. You can use this selector to see data for different periods of time. It might change, or might have some items disabled based on particular views, where time period is irrelevant.

By default thematic map displays hits distribution by regions based on the hits from the beginning of the current year to the current date “Total Time”

When select “Last 7 days” option the thematic map is related to the hits distribution for the last week.

When select “Last 30 days” option the thematic map is related to the hits distribution for the last 30 days.

With the option “Last 90 days” the thematic map is related to the hits distribution for the last 90 days.

10. Compare websites button. Use this button open a new popup and compare all relative data for all sites that you have in your list (1). This button will be disabled if there is only 1 site in the list.

11. Map type selector(1). You could select the style of the map – world outline(2), street map(3), satellite map(4), aerial map with labels(5).

World outline style

Road map style

Aerial map style

Aerial map with labels. 

12. Map labels with a region name and a total hits value.

13. Hot color scheme
14. Quick zoom labels. Use the quick zoom labels to quickly change the zoom level of the map

In world outline style from a city zoom level style automatically is changed to road map style.

Initial view

Country zoom level

City zoom level

Road zoom level

15. Zoombar for the map

This zoombar helps to drill down and drill up. Hit information and map details depends on the zoom level.

16. Thumbnail view of the map.
17. Map View reset button. This button resets the Map to default zoom level (world outline).


Chart Statistics

The Chart Statistics screen. You have 3 different types of data statistics, selectable from the data breakdown menu (1):

Chart Statistics types

  • By Time. Time is further refined into Hourly, Daily and Monthly views by the time selector menu (2). Here you only see data for the current active site. You can compare Hourly, Daily and Monthly hits for more than one site, in the Compare popup. Launch the compare popup from the “Compare site” button.
  • By Location
  • Browser Usage

Zoom bars (3) and (4) helps to drill down and drill up.
Reset zoom button (5) sets a default zoom for the chart.

It is possible to change the time range using a period selector. “Default Time” here means 10 days.

Distribution by location

You can use this screen to either see top 5 countries which generated visits to selected site (1) using different type of presenting data (Pie, Bar, Column, Doughnut) or view full list of all countries that this site has hit from (table). Use the data presentation selector (2) to change the way you look at the data.
(Default view is a pie chart)

Bar chart

Column chart

Doughnut chart

Table view

Browser Usage Statistics

  Use this screen to see detailed browser usage of the site. Remember, looking at Location breakdown, or Browser breakdown, you only see information for the current Active site (1).
Initial screen of browser breakdown usage shows aggregated / summarized data for all generic browser groups (i.e. Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, etc.). Use the browser selector menu (2) to see detailed browser breakdown. Use the Vertical (3) and Horizontal (4) chart zoom-bars to take a closer look at specific part of the chart. Use the Reset Zoom button (5) to restore the chart to default zoom level (show all).

When you are looking at browser statistics you are only seeing data which is available for currently active site (1). You can click on the “Go back” button (2) to go back to generic view. Use the Vertical (3) and Horizontal (4) zoom-bars to take a closer look at the data. Use the “Reset Zoom” button (5) to reset chart zoom to default value (show all).

Compare mode

MyWorldMaps offers comparing between two or more sites. When there are more than one open sites it is possible to click on “Compare Sites” button (1) and compare daily, hourly and monthly view in a dialog window.
Comparison is for the whole period from the site registration in Worldmaps (hourly i monthly view) and for the selected period for a daily view.

Daily view

By default selected view is “Daily View”. All open sites are in tabs (2) It is possible to uncheck some of sites if you want to exclude it from the comparison.
You could compare statistics for hourly view, daily view and monthly view (3). The legend displays information for the each of the sites (4).
For main view you need to close this dialog window (5).

Hourly View

Monthly View

Statistics for the unchecked sites are excluded.


Stats Distribution

Stats Distribution only shows data for currently active site (1)

Stats Distribution part of World Maps is a real-world usage of Motion Framework, developed by Infragistics. The Stats Distribution part shows 4-dimentional data. Two of the dimensions are obvious – the X axis shows cumulative hits for the given site, the Y axis shows the share (in percent) for given browser (or region) for that site. Now we apply Time as 3rd dimension, Time – so the X and Y values change over time and you can clearly see this change when hit the Play button. The 4th dimension, change of hits over time is represented by the radius (size) of a bubble. Increase of bubble size shows there are more hits for the current time period (day) relative to the previous one:


 Stats distribution for browsers


Using this part of the MyWorldMaps application you can see how data changes over time. The X axis shows cumulative hits for the items showed. When time progresses bubbles will move to the right. Some will move faster, showing that there are more and more hits. While some will move slower showing that there are only a few hits. The Y axis is bound to the cumulative percentage that each data point represents. That means that the bigger share a bubble has (name Internet Explorer), the higher on the chart it will be. Radius of the bubble is bound to the hits change from last point in time. For example on day X Internet Explorer has 1000 hits, the bubble for IE has radius 50px. On day X+1, Internet Explorer had 1100 (just for that day, which means that the Cumulative hits are 2100), which is bigger than 1000, so bubble for IE will have radius 60px. On day X+2, IE has 800 hits, which is less than 1100, so bubble for that day will have radius 40 px.
You can select period for which to look distribution for, from the Period selector menu (2). You can change between browser break down and region break down by the break down selector (3). Use the Animation delay slider (4) to adjust the speed of animation. Click on any of the legend items (5) to see detailed breakdown (same as browser usage from chart statistics). Use the Vertical (6) or Horizontal (7) chart zoom-bars to take a closer look at the data. You can use the Play/Pause button (8) to start or stop animation, and monitor the time point of the animation at the time slider (9).

Chart time animation (animate cumulative hits, cumulative percentage , hits change from last point in time). If you select some of the browsers in the chart there are trails after the selected items.

Detailed browser data (drill down)

Browser Usage you can drill down into specific browser by clicking on some legend item, it is the same on Distribution Stats. Again clicking on any legend item (1) you can drill down or return back to generic grouping. Use the Vertical (2) or Horizontal (3) char zoom-bar to take a closer look at the data. Mouse over any of the bubbles to see tooltip with specific information on that particular point. You can use the checkbox (4) next to each legend item to select series to track. Any checked series will leave a persistent trail of how data is changed over time. Use the “Back To Browsers(Regions)” button to go back to generic data.

Stats distribution for regions.

Stats distribution by regions could be selected with a view selector (2). This analysis is very similar to stats distribution by browsers. Unlike browsers option here aggregation is by regions (not by browsers).

The higher level presents an aggregation by continents.

Stats distribution by continents

It is possible to drill down and has a distribution by countries.

Stats distribution by countries