8 Essential Infragistics Screencasts that Get You Up to Speed on the Latest Releases

Craig Shoemaker / Friday, September 25, 2009

As the year marches on we are looking at a number of upcoming releases. The Silverlight Line-of-Business controls, Silverlight DataVisualization controls and the ASP.NET controls are all due for volume release in the coming weeks. While I work on recording and producing videos for these product lines, I thought I would highlight some of the videos I’ve recently done for our latest releases.

The following videos cover new features in the WPF, Web and WinForms products.

Getting Started with the WebHierarchical Grid

The WebHierarchicalGrid is a new control in the 2009 volume 2 release of our web client controls. This video goes over the basics required for working with the control.

Watch the video here


Binding the WebHierarchicalGrid to a ViewModel

Most of the demonstrations for any sort of control include the requisite drag and drop binding to a data source control. In this video I wanted to show how developers can interface with the WebHierarchicalGrid using a presentation model or as others know it, a ViewModel.

Watch the video here


Introduction to WinControlContainerEditor – Edit Only

See how you can provide different display and editing experiences for data in the WinGrid. This video will open up controls for editing the date and time independently for a single DateTime member.

Watch the video here


Introduction to WinTimeLineView

The WinTimeLineView is a great control when you are building a schedule-based feature. This video demonstrates the basics for getting started with the control. Learn to add appointments and focus the time line to a specific time of the day.

Watch the video here


Introduction to WinTilePanel

The success of our tile panel in WPF had people clamoring for the same functionality in WinForms. Learn to use a user control as the template for tile panel and see how to add tiles into the control. Out-of-the-box features include drag and drop, minimize, restore and scrolling.

Watch the video here


Introduction to XamDataGrid Clipboard Support

Ever wanted to copy some rows from the XamDataGrid to edit elsewhere and paste back into the grid? Learn how you can enable this feature with a few simple customizations to the grid.

Watch the video here

Introduction to XamDataGrid Excel Exporting

See what’s involved in exporting data from the XamDataGrid to an excel workbook.

Watch the video here


Introduction to XamDataGrid Data Value Changed Event

The DataValueChanged event exposes a powerful feature in the grid that allows you to make the grid aware of underlying changes on a cell-by-cell basis. This example breaks down the essential pieces into a very simple demo.

Watch the video here