Build the Microsoft Outlook Contact's Grid

[Infragistics] Andrew Flick / Wednesday, October 26, 2005

You know those projects that you start with every intention of finishing, but then other things come up like random trips to Redmond, shipping product, determining features for new products, et cetera and you never finish it.  That’s what happened this past week.  I had every intention on completely mimicking the Outlook Contacts grid and write a sample on it, but I never finished it.  So, I had one of two choices: take all the work I did and throw it away and pretend that I’d get another opportunity to work on it before I lost it or post the work that I had finished.  So, I decided to post the work that I had finished.  Below is a screenshot and you can download the word document describing the steps on how to achieve it here.

One thing that I would like to mention is that I stole…or borrowed the style or format of the Word document from our Training Department.  The work that I put together is no where near the quality that they do…they actually have a pretty rigorous QA practice that I definitely did not tap into.  Also, I’d have to say that they teach you some awesome tricks.  In the advance class, I believe you learn how to really customize our controls, such as actually painting elements on our chart.  So, if you enjoyed this post, I’d definitely recommend that you check out our training courses as you will learn how to do some amazing things in there and some hints on building some familiar user-interfaces!

*Disclaimer: This document comes with no warranty, there may be errors in here as I did not run through the document from scratch and test it.