New RSS Feeds!

Ambrose Little / Friday, May 4, 2007

Hi everybody!  I hope you are all going to have a great weekend.  The weather is absolutely beautiful here in central New Jersey (Infragistics HQ).

I just thought I'd take a second to point out a relatively new feature on the Infragistics Web site(s)--RSS Feeds.  We've added them where they seem to make sense, at least the obvious ones: Events, News, and Community Content.  But you never know when a feed might be useful, so what we've done is add the RSS icon to the bottom left of every page on the WWW and Community sites so you can always check to see if there's a feed for that page in the same place:

RSS Feeds

Of course, Blogs is there, but that's always been available. :) News is what you'd expect; sometimes we blog about news, but we'll always put important news on the site, and it will show up in that feed.  Events are the upcoming community events and conferences that IG is involved in.  Remember, you can always request us to get involved in your community event if you have one via our calendar.

In addition to standard feeds like that, we have tagged feeds on the community site, so you can just monitor tags that you're interested in.  You'll see those after you click to view the content for a tag; on the same page, the feeds will list a feed for the current tag:

Community Tagged Feeds

And of course, if you have a browser that supports it, you can always check the feed list using the built-in feeds mechanisms.  For example:

Firefox 2

Firefox Feeds Mechanism

IE 7

Internet Explorer 7 Feeds Mechanism

We hope you find these useful in keeping up with the things that you care about at Infragistics.

Have a fabulous weekend!