Little Link Round-Up - Podder & IG Context Menu in System Tray

Ambrose Little / Monday, January 7, 2008

Just wanted to post a quick pointer to some great links on the net related to Infragistics. 

  • WPF Podcatcher "Podder" - IG Guidisan Josh Smith published his WPF podcatcher app, named "Podder" over on Code Project.  It's pretty snifty; here are some interesting features:
    • Uses VS 2008, .NET 3.5, WPF, XLinq, and C# 3.0.
    • Keeps podcast feed list and view all available episodes.
    • Favorites list.
    • And lots of standard and nice UX features.  Go check it out!
  • Using Sub Main in VB to Startup a System Tray App with an Infragistics Context Menu - Phew!  Long title, but it says it all.  Provided by a valued Infragistics customer, Randy Walker.  Thanks, Randy!  Maybe I'll see you again at the next Tulsa Tech Fest. :)

If you have work you've published that uses Infragistics (IG) stuff, please do let me know.  We want to highlight your efforts and give you the creds you deserve!  Also, don't forget we are glad to publish content from you guys on our Community site.  Get experience publishing; get your name out on the net, and get the good feeling that comes from knowing you're helping your fellow IGers.