
    The Ignite UI for Angular Typography Sass module allows you to modify the typography for all components in your application, specific typographic scale, or specific components.


    An application can define multiple typography scales that may share scale categories between one another. A scale category is a set of type styles, containing information about font-family, font-size, font-weight, line-height, letter-spacing, and text-transform.

    Ignite UI for Angular exposes 4 default type scales for each of its themes - $material-type-scale, $fluent-type-scale, $bootstrap-type-scale, and $indigo-type-scale, which are in turn used by the typography mixin to set the typography styles. You can, however, create additional type scales.

    In many cases you would only need to make slight modifications to the typography, thus it's recommended that you read the Typography section of the CSS Variables documentation first, if you haven't already. Using Sass to modify the typography is only required if you want to make deeper changes pertaining to the entire typographic scale.


    By default we don't apply any typography styles. To use our typography in your application you have to set the ig-typography CSS class on a top-level element and include the typography mixin in your base .scss file.

    We have selected Titillium Web to be the default font in the Material theme for Ignite UI for Angular. To use it you have to host it yourself, or include it from Google Fonts:

    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Titillium+Web:300,400,600,700" rel="stylesheet"/>

    There are a several mixins and functions that are used to set and retrieve category styles to/from a type scale. Those are:

    • type-style [function] - Returns a set of style rules to be used by a type scale category.
    • type-scale [function] - Returns a set of 13 style categories.
    • type-scale-category [function] - Returns a map of style rules from a type scale and category.
    • type-style [mixin] - Adds style rules to a selector from a specific type scale and category.
    • type-style-vars [mixin] - Adds style rules to a selector from a specific type style.
    • typography [mixin] - Defines the global application typography styles.

    Let's take a closer look at what each one of the aforementioned mixins and functions do.

    The Type Style

    The type-style function is an interface-like function that simply ensures that certain arguments are passed as part of the style set for a scale category. Say, for instance that we want to define a new set of style rules for the h1 scale category. To do so, we could simply write:

    $h1-style: type-style(
      $font-size: rem(112px),
      $font-weight: 600,
      $line-height: rem(96px),

    The Type Scale

    The type scale produces a map of 13 typography styles used as scale categories. To generate a new type scale, do the following:

    $my-type-scale: type-scale(...);

    You have to provide a type style for each of the 13 scale categories. A style can be generated using the type-style function as shown above.

    $my-type-scale: type-scale(
      $h1: $h1-style,

    You can modify an existing type scale by extending it. To change the h1 type style of the $material-type-scale you can do:

    $my-type-scale: extend(
        h1: type-style(...),

    Adding additional type styles to a scale is just as easy:

    $my-type-category: type-style(
      $font-weight: 600,
      $font-size: rem(42px),
      $text-transform: uppercase,
    $my-type-scale: extend(
        "my-category": $my-type-category,

    The Typography Mixin

    The typography mixin defines the global typography styles for an application, including how the native h1-h6 and p elements are styled.

    It currently accepts 2 arguments:

    • $font-family - The global font family to be used by the application.
    • $type-scale - The default type scale to be used by the application.

    To use the typography styles, include the typography mixin anywhere after the core. Let's take advantage of the type scale $my-type-scale we defined above and make it the default type scale.

    @include typography(
      $font-family: $material-typeface,
      $type-scale: $my-type-scale

    We expose four variables for typeface, similar to type-scale - $material-typeface, $fluent-typeface, $bootstrap-typeface, and $indigo-typeface. You can use any of them in combination with any type-scale when including the typography mixin.

    Custom Type Styles

    The type-style mixin can be used to retrieve the style rules for a scale category from a specific type scale. Furthermore, it allows you to add additional style rules.

    .my-fancy-h1 {
      @include type-style('h1') {
        color: royalblue;

    The above code will produce a class style selector .my-fancy-h1, which contains all of the style rules for the h1 scale category from $my-type-scale with the addition of the color property set to the royalblue color. Now, if you set the class of any element to .my-fancy-h1, it will look like any other h1 element but be also royalblue in color.

    Component Typography

    Most of the components in Ignite UI for Angular use scale categories for styling the text. For instance, the igx-card component uses the following scale categories:

    • h6 - used for styling card title.
    • subtitle-2 - used for styling card subtitle and small title.
    • body-2 - used for styling card text content.

    There are two ways to change the text styles of a card. The first is by modifying the h6, subtitle-2, and/or body-2 scales in the material type scale that we pass to the typography mixin. So if we wanted to make the title in a card smaller, all we have to do is change the font-size of the h6 scale category.

    // Create a custom h6 scale category style
    $my-h6: type-style(
      $font-size: rem(12px),
    // Create a custom type scale with the modified h6
    $my-type-scale: extend(
        h6: $my-h6,
    // Pass the custom scale to the global typography mixin
    @include typography($type-scale: $my-type-scale);

    The above code will modify the h6 scale category globally, which will affect the look and feel of all components that use the h6 scale. This is done for consistency so that all h6 elements look the same across your app. We understand that you may want to apply the modification for h6 to specific components only, like the igx-card component in our case. This is why every component has its own typography mixin, which accepts a category configuration.

    // Create a custom h6 scale category style
    $my-h6: type-style(
      $font-size: rem(12px),
    // You can specify which categories from the type sale the card uses
    $card-categories: (
      title: 'h6',
      title-small: 'subtitle-1',
      subtitle: 'subtitle-2',
      content: 'body-2',
    .my-cool-card {
      // Overwrite the 'h6' type style for this scope
      @include type-style-vars('h6', $my-h6);
      // Pass the custom card catergories to the card typography mixin
      @include card-typography($card-categories);

    We no longer include the typography mixin by passing it the $my-type-scale scale with our modification to the h6 category. Now all we do is pass the custom h6 style we created to the type-style-vars mixin.

    Using the card-typography mixin, we can update the typography styles for all elements in the card component. In the example above, the title-small key in the $card-categories map is assigned the subtitle-1 type style. This change makes the small title in the card slightly larger. By default, the card component uses the subtitle-2 type style for the small title, which has a smaller font size than subtitle-1. The mixin allows us to override this default and apply the new style.

    App Builder | CTA Banner

    Converting Units

    We also have three typography functions for converting property units. With the functions we can convert px units to em or rem, and also em or rem units to px. All we need to do is call one of the three functions and pass a value that we want to convert.

    To 'px'

    .my-component {
      margin: px(3.23rem);

    To 'rem'

    .my-component {
      margin: rem(10px) rem(5px);

    To 'em'

    .my-component {
      margin: em(10px) em(5px);

    It's important to remember that when converting a value, the conversion is based on a default base font size of 16px (where 16px = 1em/rem). If we want, we can provide a custom base font size as an argument to the conversion function. This will ensure that the resulting value is calculated relative to the specified base font size.

    .my-component {
      margin: rem(10px, 26px);
      // The result will be 0.385rem

    This will convert the 10px value to rem, based on the font size of 26px.

    CSS Classes

    In addition to adding text styles for all components based on type scale categories, we also style the default h1-h6 and p elements. This allows us to separate semantics from styling. So for instance, even though the h1 tag has some default styling that we provide when using typography, you can modify it to look like an h3 by giving it a class of ig-typography__h3.

    <h1 class="ig-typography__h3">Some text</h1>

    Here's a list of all CSS classes we provide by default:

    • ig-typography__h1
    • ig-typography__h2
    • ig-typography__h3
    • ig-typography__h4
    • ig-typography__h5
    • ig-typography__h6
    • ig-typography__subtitle-1
    • ig-typography__subtitle-2
    • ig-typography__body-1
    • ig-typography__body-2
    • ig-typography__button
    • ig-typography__caption
    • ig-typography__overline

    Additional Resources

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