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Cascade XamComboEditors in XamDataGrid


i am trying to use two dependant xamcomboeditors in xamdatagrid,first combo contains City kist and secod is county list depending on selected city on first combobox,and i use first combobox's selecteditemchange event to set county combo's itemssource for changed city.I can access the editor of county field with  :

(In first City xamcombo's selecteditemchanged routedevent)




record = grid.ActiveRecord as DataRecord;

CellValuePresenter presenter = CellValuePresenter.FromRecordAndField(record, "FieldName");

XamComboEditor editor = presenter.Editor as XamComboEditor;

by activerecord of grid and name of county field,and then update the itemssource of accessed editor.(County)

it's ok when user selects city on UI ,because i can get grid's activerecord,but can't get the editor of County when i set the city manually on codebehind.

Is there a way to get editor when grid's activerecord is null or is there a better way to use cascade xamcombobox in xamdatagrid and set the selected item ?