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Custom Sorting on WebHierarchical Datagrid

Hi, Is the custom sorting feature for webhierarchicaldatagrid added in version

Version=11.1.20111.1006 now?

 I am binding my webhierarchicaldatagrid to webdatasource which has 3 object datasources like this:

















<ig:webhierarchicaldatasource ID="whdsPartnership"














<ig:dataview ID="odsPartnership_Source" DataSourceID="odsPartnership"






<ig:dataview ID="odsScenario_Source" DataSourceID="odsScenario"






<ig:dataview ID="odsTaxYear_Source" DataSourceID="odsTaxYear"















<ig:datarelation ChildColumns="InternalPartnershipID" ChildDataViewID





ParentColumns="InternalPartnershipID" ParentDataViewID="odsPartnership_Source"





<ig:datarelation ChildColumns="ScenarioID" ChildDataViewID





ParentColumns="ScenarioID" ParentDataViewID="odsScenario_Source"












out of this I have enabled paging on one of the datasources:



<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="odsPartnership" runat="server"



TypeName="EY.PTAS.Facade.PartnershipFacade" SelectMethod="GetPartnershipData" SelectCountMethod="GetPartnershipDataCount"



OnSelecting="odsPartnership_Selecting" SortParameterName="sortExpression"



EnablePaging="true" onselected="odsPartnership_Selected" >





but the sort expression is always blank.

Please let me know if I have missed out anything here and also about the availibility of the feature.

Thanks & Regards,

Megha Dawagni