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Programmatically create template with child items.

Programmatically create template with child items.


Hi Everyone


I’m trying to create a template layout for the ‘WebDropDown’, programmatically. Does anyone know if this can be done?


I populate my ‘WebDropDown’ controls using a generic subroutine like this.


  For Each objMLPD_WorksTempEmp_Item In objMLPD_WorksTempEmp_IList

    objIListItem = New Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownItem()

    objIListItem.Text = objMLPD_WorksTempEmp_Item.Surname _

      & " " & objMLPD_WorksTempEmp_Item.FirstName & " " _

      & "[" & objMLPD_WorksTempEmp_Item.ClockNumber & "]"

    objIListItem.Value = objMLPD_WorksTempEmp_Item.SQLWorkTeamList




This works well, but the rows look a bit unformatted. I would like to modify my subroutine so that it will generate a Template block for each ListItem.


<ig:WebDropDown ID="icboFindGangClockNumber" runat="server" Width="95%" DropDownAnimationType="EaseOut"

DropDownContainerHeight="300px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="300px"

DropDownContainerWidth="300px" Height="21px"

StyleSetName="SkanskaStyleSet1" StyleSetPath="~/ig_res/"



    <ig:DropDownItem Selected="False" Text="Surname FirstName [abcd1234]" Value="1">


        <div class="WebDropDownHolder">

          <div class="WebDropDownLeft"> Surname </div>

          <div class="WebDropDownRight"> abcd1234 </div>

          <div class="WebDropDownCenter"> FirstName </div>






    Item Template




I have had a good look at the properties of the ‘Infragistics.Web.UI.ListControls.DropDownItem()’. I noticed the objIListItem.Template property, but don’t know how to add my <div> definition to it.



Any help very much appreciated.





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