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Rotateing OlapXAxis Labels


I have a chart based on an OlapXAxis. This work overall fine, but my challenge is that I want to rotate the labels on the X axis. The reason for that is I sometimes have many rows on the X-axis and the labels overlaps. Rotateing them will generate more space

What I done so far:

Set a LabelStyle on the axis. 

YAxis="{Binding ElementName=xmYAxis1}"
LabelStyle="{StaticResource OlapLabelControlStyle}">

The Style:

    <Style TargetType="ig:OlapLabelControl" x:Key="OlapLabelControlStyle">

        <Setter Property="Foreground" Value="Black" />

            <Setter Property="LayoutTransform">


                <RotateTransform Angle="90" />




I tried to change various margins and height, but nothing seems to work.This will rotate the text. But my problem is that the control does not resize and only the first few letters is shown, the rest is cut off (see attached file)

Any suggestions or alternative ways to do it?