AT, I think this is a xamMakedInput's bug. This behavior is different of Textbox.
Does the xamMakedInput has any property set the contextmenu of right click to disabled?
<ig:XamMaskedInput x:Name="xmitest" Grid.Row="1" Text="12222" PromptChar="" IsEnabled="False"/>
I can paste any value to "xmitest",even it was disabled.
Hi Stefan,
This bug is solved.But if the IsReadonly is true,still can paste text to xamMaskedinput by Ctrl+V even the paste context menu is disable.
I'm using IG 15.1 to find this issue.
That's sad.
Codes :
<igDP:XamMaskedInput Text="sdsad" IsReadOnly="True"/>
Hello Brandon,
We have shipped out a new service release where your issue is resolved. I'd be glad to find out if you had tested it out and if it had met your requirements.
You can download the Service Releases by logging to our web site and going to Account \Keys & Downloads.
I have logged this with development under ID: 180203 and I have also created a support ticket on your behalf:CAS-143389-Z0C1V7 and have linked the development issue to it, so that you can get automatically updated, when a Service Release containing the fix is available for download. You can get the new version from our website’s “My IG”, “My Keys & Downloads” tags: https://es.infragistics.com/Membership/Default.aspx?panel=Downloads#Downloads
You can also monitor the support ticket’s progress through the “My Support Activity” tag: https://es.infragistics.com/Membership/MySupport.aspx