I am using "Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Workbook" and "Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Worksheet" classes to generate excel file.
previously my report layout was fixed. e.g. Header and footer always have 3 column and 1 row, in body section one column and one row.
So excel generation was very easy for me. First row will always use 3 column (A1, A2, A3)in excel for header section, then body secrion will have only 1 control (1 row, 1 column) so i can add it in B1, C1, D1 etc, for footer its same as header.
but now my report layout is flexible. User can place control anywhere (based on X,Y co-ordinate). Now how can i incorporate same in Excel using infragistic??
is there any method which return Cell address based on [x.y] co-ordinate i passed??
e.g. worksheet.getCell(x-co-ordinate, y-co-ordinate) so it can return me Row and column index of cell or Cell object itself.
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I can suggest you get a Cell from the WorkSheet like this worksheet.Rows[y].Cells[x]. Please let me know if this helps you or I have misunderstood you in some way.
Looking forward for your reply.
Hi Stefan,
Thanks for your quick reply.
My question is like is there any method which returns cell or Row and column index based on given Point value (X-Coordinate, Y Coordinate like we have for screen) ?
Thanks & Regards,