I have a question for datamanager.DisplayActivityDialog method.I would like the dialog remains open even if I switch to the other TabItem:
<igWPF:TabItemEx Header="First">
<ig:XamOutlookCalendarView HorizontalAlignment="Left"
DataManager="{Binding DataManager}" />
<igWPF:TabItemEx Header="Second" />
I use a derivative of ScheduleDialogFactory (MyDialogFactory)
_datamanager.DialogFactory = new MyDialogFactory
Public Overrides Function CreateActivityDialog(container As FrameworkElement,… ) As FrameworkElement
Experiments with the parameters ‘container’ have had no success.
Return MyBase.CreateActivityDialog(container,dataManager,activity,allowModifications,allowRemove)
Thank you
The dialogs are closed when the Unloaded event of the XamScheduleDataManager is invoked. I see you are binding to a DataManager property. If the xamScheduleDataManager isn't parented within some visual element it will be hosted in the control that is referencing it - the xamOutlookCalendarView. So one way to do what you want is to define the xamScheduleDataManager in the visual tree outside the XamTabControl.