This is my second attempt to get the answer.
How to absolute position infragistice WPF controls inside RibbonGroup???. surprised how they can miss to add drag positining behaviour in this cool tool.
Guys you really need to work on your documentation / support. Support guys reply like automated response robots. (just doing their job, not insight). I am surprised no one in the company bothers our posts.
Hope to hear from you soon with appropriate solution.
There were two answers to your original post. As I stated in my response, technically one can use whatever elements they want in a RibbonGroup but the xamRibbon is specifically designed to emulate the Microsoft Ribbon UI. As such there are 3 panels that are provided and which participate in the ribbon resizing logic. Tools within any other panel will not participate in the built in resizing logic. The 3 panels are discussed In that help topic I linked to in my original reply. Since xamRibbon is designed to emulate the Ribbon UI and because there are requirements that you are legally obliged to comply with in order to utilize any Ribbon UI in your application, the control tries to enforce as many of the requirements as possible - e.g. the height of the ribbon must be exactly the height of 3 vertically stack tools using 16x16 images.
Thank you for details explanation of the above.
Now 1ts 100% clear for now. (may be i need to do some reading).
Thanks again..