I use the Mask "{LOC}mm/yyyy" for selcting a month (without days) of a year.
But when I selected a date, i'd like to have the full month name in the editbox.
"July 2010" and not "07/2010"
how can I achieve that?
Hello Haggy,
You can achieve this with using: Format="MMMM yyyy".
For example you declaration of xamDateTimeEditor in XAML should look like this:
<igEditors:XamDateTimeEditor Name="dateTimeEditor" Mask="mm/yyyy" Format="MMMM yyyy"></igEditors:XamDateTimeEditor>
I tried like you told but it doesn't work
in the text box after selecting a date in the drop down I see "07.2011" and not "June 2011"
only after leaving the textbox I see "June 2011". Is there a way that I see the full Month name before i leave the box ?