In one of your XamOutlookBar samples the ContentTemplate for OutlookBarGroup is of type ListBox. To add a new level to the hierarchy i've changed the ItemTemplate to another ListBox. And the data hierarchy is now like this: TaskGroup -> Task -> TaskItem.
What i intend to do is:
- show each task in a box
- the task show it's items in a tree form
- select the first task and it's first item on startup
Unfortunately it doesn't work like i intend to.
Thank you for your feedback. I am glad that you resolved your issue and I believe that other community members may benefit from this as well.
Thanks again.
I figured this out, I just needed to create an ItemsControl of the seperate MenuItem views. I can now buid the complete structure of the OutlookBar (groups and items) using MEF.
Great, many thanks.
I am attempting to do exactly the same, I have used the 'IsSynchronizedWith' extension (from another post) to load from an ObservableCollection in my ViewModel. However if I have mutliple items per group I end up with multiple groups headers that are identical.
I had hoped it would be simple enough to populate the xamOutlookBar using the ObservableCollection<IMenuItem>, where IMenuItem contains a Groupname, and a View - so that each item in the group is actually a seperate view, giving us flexibility in the content of the items.
I'm probably at fault here, and maybe need help with the data templates if this can be accomplished.