I am using the XamDateTimeEditor and running the application on a Simplified Chinese machine. The problem is when the calendar is presented to the user the month at the top of the calendar, i.e. April, and the label "Today" at the bottom of the calendar are in English. I have installed the Language Packs for 3.5 and things such as the WPF ApplicationCommands.Copy and ApplicationCommands.Cut are localized. Is there something I am missing in order to have the month and "Today" label localized?
Thanks for any assistance.
You can set the "TodayButtonCaption" like this:
Infragistics.Windows.Editors.Resources.Customizer.SetCustomizedString("TodayButtonCaption", "Oggi: {0:dd/MM/yyyy}");
This way the format always will be dd/MM/yyyy, no matter what is the Language.
Hope this helps you.
Hello Stefan, thank you for your suggestion.
I'm currently using these two lines of code:
dte.Language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("it-IT"); Infragistics.Windows.Editors.Resources.Customizer.SetCustomizedString("TodayButtonCaption", "Oggi: {0:d}");
where, of course, both the language code (it-IT) and today's translation are variables that depend on user's language selection.
Everything works ok, except for the dates that are being shown, both in calendar field and in today's date suggestion. I would like to translate only calendar's strings, not date format: it should follow Regional Options that are currently active on the machine.
For example, my current regional settings are Italian, with this date format: dd/MM/yyyy.This is what happens if user selects a language:
1) Italian: everything is displayed in italian (strings all lower case!) and dates are showed using Regional Options format. Ok.
2) English: everything is displayed in english (strings have the first letter in uppercase) and dates don't follow Regional Options (they're using english format, MM/dd/yyyy).
So... how to translate only strings?Thanks again, bye!
You can add the following code after the InitializeComponent():
Infragistics.Windows.Editors.Resources.Customizer.SetCustomizedString("TodayButtonCaption", "Oggi: {0:d}");
in order top chage the Caption of the "Today" button.
Any news about calendar localization? Suggested links are broken.
I'm updating localization programmatically:
dte.Language = XmlLanguage.GetLanguage("it-IT");
but Today field doesn't get translated and it's still using english date format.
Thank you. Bye!
please fix all links to localization.