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SelectedText goes blank in XamComboEditor


When I select an item in a comboEditor after binding, the item gets selected but the selectedText is blank (as is the control on the screen).

 This is the control:

<igEditors:XamComboEditor x:Name="cmbCompany" Margin="0,0,12,0" Theme="Office2k7Blue" IsEditable="True">
<igEditors:ComboBoxItemsProvider />

 This is the binding code:

DataTable companies = ServiceUtilities.GetCompanyByNameList();
cmbCompany.ItemsProvider.ItemsSource = companies.DefaultView;
cmbCompany.ItemsProvider.DisplayMemberPath =
cmbCompany.ItemsProvider.ValuePath =

How can I make the selected item show?

  • 2320


    Well for a start, I think the SelectedText property doesn't do what you think it does. It's not like the SelectedItem or SelectedValue property that we're all used to. Rather it gets/sets the editable text in the editable XamComboEditor that is/has been highlighted (aka. selected). So if there's nothing in the XamComboEditor that has been selected, of course that's going to be an empty string.


    As for your other problem, I'm not sure. Maybe if you post a small sample project which replicates the problem...?

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