Inside a XamDataChart, I have a BarSeries.MarkerTemplate. Inside said DataTemplate, I have a Grid with a Event Trigger. This trigger works.
<ig:BarSeries.MarkerTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid PreviewTouchDown="Popup_OnTouchDown" IsManipulationEnabled="True">
However, inside a XamPieChart, I have a XamPieChart.LabelTemplate. Again, I have a grid with a Event Trigger. This trigger does not work.
<ig:XamPieChart.LabelTemplate> <DataTemplate> <Grid PreviewTouchDown="Popup_OnTouchDown" IsManipulationEnabled="True">
How can I execute event triggers in a XamPieChart.LabelTemplate?
Hello Mastermind_Ed,
Thank you for your post.
I have reproduced this issue that you are reporting, and I too am unable to trigger events on the elements that exist inside of a XamPieChart's LabelTemplate. After a bit of investigation, this appears to be due to an issue on our end with the internal PieLabel class having its IsHitTestVisible property set to "False." These internal PieLabel objects are generated as containers for each of the labels in the chart, and so by setting the IsHitTestVisible property of these to "False," it prevents events on the elements that it contains.
I believe this to be a bug in our XamPieChart control, and so I have logged it in our internal tracking systems with a development ID of 223117. I have also created a support case on your behalf so that you can be notified when a fix or other resolution becomes available to this issue. This support case has an ID of CAS-175985-M9G6Q4 and you can access it at the following link after signing into your Infragistics account:
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.
Sincerely,AndrewAssociate Developer