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Context menu in xamTreeGrid not working correctly after expanding and collapsing all xamTreeGrid records


i have a question regarding the xamtreegrid in combination with the context menu. I have created a context menu for the different elements in the tree.

Thererore, if i click on such a element i get the element with the GetClickedElements() method in the opening event and according to the specific

element i change the visibilies of the different context menu items. This works pretty fine for me. Additionally if i do not click on a specific element (click on the white background of the xamTreegrid Control => GetClickedElements() returns zero clicked elements), i show different context menu items for the tree. 

The main problem now is, if i expand all records in the tree with xTree.Records.ExpandAll(true) and the collapse all records with xTree.Records.CollapseAll(true), the context menu does not work correctly. Now if i click only into the white tree view control and not on a specific field the GetClickedElements() method in the context menu opening window returns now the element that was shown at this position after all records were expanded! So maybe there is a problem inside the xTree.Records.CollapseAll(true).

So how can i refresh the tree after collapsing all records in order to avoid this problem? Or are there other solutions?

Many thanks in advance!

BR Rene

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