Is there a event that fires after the datasource has been binded? I've attempted work arounds such as trying to override the DataSource property but that property is not overridable. Thanks.
Try InitializeLayout and see if that works for you.
Hi Nick,
That was one of the first events I tried and it did not work. As it turns out there is no event or mechanism (As far as I know) that allows you to do this ( I have implemented other work arounds, it is just that using an event for datasource binding would have been more elegant. Thanks anyways.
An example is literally as simple as:
myGrid.DataSource = null; // Reset the grid
Setting null to the data source clears the grid.
In the previous discussion, an event before InitializeLayout would have had the correct behaviors to achieve what I want.
Out of curiosity what is the datasource you are binding? Also can you share the code you are using to set the datasource.
In the previous discussion referenced they were wanting something to occur before InilitlaizeLayout is that the same for you?