I used Infragistics v.11.2 and .net framework 3.5 and VB.net.
I'll ask some question about Infragistics control.
Please check in a document attached to the file.
Please run the project.
And please click the "Result" button tool.
I want make the line between SplitterBar.
Hi~ I have some questions.
1. When the pane is unpinned one possible approach to increase the space is through CreationFilter.
What is the CreationFilter? Please give me a sample code.
2. Can I assign randomly the height of Ribbon tab?
That is also use CreationFilter. How can I do?
3. I will give a sample is provided soon.
4. OK. Thanks for your answer.
Hello Min,
Please take a look on the answers of your questions:
MIN you jin said: I want to make space gap between the docking panel and the Ribbon tool. How can I do?
MIN you jin said: I want to make the space gap between Ribbon tab and Form title bar like screen below. How can I do? And, Can I assign randomly the height of Ribbon tab?
MIN you jin said: When I did Docking two panels of A and B, a gray line comes out between A and B
MIN you jin said: When I assign Ribbon tool on Form and fill entire screen by using Docking panel. Can I make space gap between Ribbon toll and Docking panel? - Possible without putting arbitrarily Control?
Option 1: If you have a DockAreaPane then you could set PaddingTop property
Option 2: If you have not a DockAreaPane, then you could use Anchor property of your control instead of Dock = Fill property.
Option 3: You could include a Panel with Dock = Top. The height of that panel will determinate the space between your Ribbon and content below
Let me know if you have any questions.