Sometimes, the text in column header and cells are sent to Adobe PDF printer as pure text(selectable and copiable) while printing, but sometimes as image(not selectable).
I don't know how exactly this goes since on the same printed page there could be both vector texts and image texts. One thing is for sure that the font and apperence of texts are relevant. I checked the source code of UIElement, there is more than one method to draw texts, which is decided by itself. Is there some option to keep the text pure vector while printing? Is GDI/GDIPlus option of the grid helps?
Please let me know which version of Infragistics you are using and which programming language you're using.
I'm using C# and I'm pretty sure this situation went on with all recent versions including 2013.2.
I modified your project a little bit , basically adjusting the fonts, and reproduce the problem.
In the archive, there's printed oxps document, the 2nd column of which is image text while the others are good.
Our engineers have determined that this is not an issue with our components. All we do is use the standard .NET drawing primitives to render onto the graphics object provided by the printer. You can verify this by exporting the grid to an Excel sheet and then printing that Excel sheet to the PDF printer.
I did as you say. The PDF file printed by excel is fine and attatched.
But I believe there's something with UIElement should be fix. As a report, you can't print a part of it with image and another text. Why is a normal text kept pure text while the italy ones converted to image? Is there essential different between fonts?
If you export the grid to a PDF file, you can see that the text is exported as text.
When the grid draws the text onto the printer graphics object, it's using exactly the same code, regardless of the font. So there's nothing the grid is doing differently.
So the only possible reason for this is that the printer driver is providing a Graphics object which is deliberately checking for certain fonts or font settings and translating that drawing into an image instead of drawing the text directly.
I would try contacting the provider of the printer driver you are using.
Thank you for your work!