when a cell is set with an EditorComponent, the UltraGridAction.NextCell action stops even if there are more cells following.
ps, the EditorComponent of the cell is an UltraControlContainerEditor
What version of the grid are you using?
How are you invoking the action? What event are you using?
i'm using 2013.1, and do like this:
You didn't answer my third question.
From what event is this code being called?
some button called function.
it is like sort of searching the grid, in a loop I keep doing UltraGrid1.PerformAction(UltraGridActions.NextCell) until certain cell value is found.
it works fine with normal cells, but stops at EditorComponent cells
I tried this out and it works just fine for me. I am attaching my sample project here so you can check it out. Just run the sample, click into the first cell of the grid and then click the button a few times. It navigates correctly through all of the cell, regardless of the EditorComponent.
So if this isn't working for you, there must be some other factor at work.
Hi, Mike,
I modified your project more similar to mine and reproduce the problem. It seems that it's not the editorcomponent cell itself, but the next row at higher band that cause the problem. maybe you wanna check it.
This issue has been resolved in service release versions WinForms_13.1.20131.2060 and WinForms_12.2.20122.2102.
I created CAS-120547-T2K1P8 to track this issue and submitted the issue to our developers. You can track the status of this case by navigating to the My Support Activity area of our web-site (https://es.infragistics.com/my-account/support-activity).
It looks like the EditorComponent has nothing to do with it. I removed it and the problem still occurs.I also tried this out in some older versions and it used to work. So it looks like it got broken by a service release for v11.2.
I have asked Infragistics Developer support to write this up for developer review and create a case for you so we can look into it further and get it fixed.