Is it not possible to get a Composite Chart directly with two datasources.In all the examples I only find Solutions when the data were made in code.What I meanb is to use the Ultrachart1.datasource = for an Composite Chart.
Here the code for one datasource.
Please give me an answer how we can do this on a simple way.
A other solution were we create two Charts an make one the bacground of one Chart transaprency, but we also did not find it hjow we can do an Chart transpareny.
Dim Conn As SqlClient.SqlConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(strConnUE)Conn.Open()
Dim da1 As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(SQL_TEXT, Conn)
Dim ds1 As New DataSet
Me.UltraChart1.DataSource = ds1
Hello heureka,
heureka said:Is it not possible to get a Composite Chart directly with two datasources
XYSeries lineSeries = new XYSeries();
lineSeries.DataBind(lineData,"XValue", "Value", "Name");
BoxSetSeries boxSeries = new BoxSetSeries();
boxSeries.Data.DataSource = boxData;
boxSeries.Data.LabelColumn ="Name";
boxSeries.Data.MinColumn ="Min";
boxSeries.Data.MaxColumn ="Max";
Please take a look at the attached sample for more details. If you have any questions, feel free to write us
If you need any additional assistance don’t hesitate to ask.
Hi Georgi,
thanks for your answer.
I'm sorry that I answer so late, but the solution you send to me is not what I mean.
My Proble is, that i have an Ultrachchart StackedChart and I will get al line-Curve in it.My Qustion about this is, how can I easaly drawing the Stackedchart and the linechart in one Chart without a combined Chart.I will define two datasources an will drwa with them the StackedLineChart and the Line Chart.
In the Picture you see my Stecked-Chart without a Line
If I understand well your requirements, you would like to have StackedLineChart together with LineChart. If so, you could achieve this, using a composite chart. This is the same approach that I used in attached sample (see previous post). There is one difference. I have BoxChart together with LineChart, instead of StackedLineChart with LIneChart.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you think that I misunderstand your scenario.