I have a PopupMenu Tool. The PopupMenu dropdown a list of tools.
a) I need when I click on this tool (button area) to display the dropdown list.
Actually the list is displayed only when I click on the dropdown flash (v) located near the button area.
b) When I let's say "MousePress" on the tool the tool button does not seem to visually be Pressed. So the user have an impression that the tool does not work (visually).
Hello serhiol,
I believe that this topic has already been discussed in the following forum thread: http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/67294.aspx.
Please feel free to let me know if a question about our tool set comes up on your mind.
Hi Boris, thanks for the answer.
The thread above is very interesting, and it discuss the PressedAppareance.
This is the second point (b) of my question.
I need to know how to make the popupMenuTool to display the dropDown menu when is pressed (not the arrow, but the tool itself).
Unfortunately I didn't find the answer of that question in the thread, so I'd appreciate if you can guide me on this point.
I resolved the problem using the
objPopupTool.CustomizedDisplayStyle = ToolDisplayStyle.ImageAndText objPopupTool.DropDownArrowStyle = DropDownArrowStyle.Standard
and also removing the Caption.
Pressed appearance is not so important, finally...
I need just to open the popup list when the user clicks on the PopupTool area. Is there a way to do it?
I obtained the desired behavior when using the "Standard" DropDownArrowStyle, but in that case I have in the tool the text instead of the picture.
I need when clicking on the picture that popupMenu opens.
If not, tell me at least ho to manually produce the popupList opening, if possible. I will add that on the Click tool code.
The thread provided says the following:
"In order to use pressed appearance of PopupMenuTool tool, you should be sure that DropDownArrowStyle property of PopupMenuTool object is set to SegmentedStateButton, in order to be sure that pressed state for PopupMenuTool is allowed. Then you could use one of PressedAppearance (PressedAppearance ,PressedAppearnceOnMenu, PressedAppearnceOnRibbonGroup, PressedAppearnceOnToolbar) object in SharedProps. AppearanceSmall or SharedProps.AppearanceLarge. If you have applied isl file, those appearances, which are set via code, could be overridden , based on ResolutionOrder property of UltraToolbarsManger -> Common Components Properties set in isl file."
This is what I meant.