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Ultrawingrid dropdowndatecalendar issue

I am using Infragistics2.Win.UltraWinGrid.v7.3.dll. And the dste calendar in teh grid cell works fine if i edit once..but if I go to chnge the date in the same cell somehow defaults to tdays date and cahnges call value to today date ..whch is irritating for the users..I have a cellchange event fro teh grid which has some code but it doe snot do anythinglike that..

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  • 469350
    Offline posted


    My best guess is that this is probably caused by something in your code, but it's hard to guess what that might be.

    Have you tried commenting our your code in the CellChange event to see if that is causing the issue?

    I don't remember any bugs in the grid like you describe, but it certainly possible that this was a bug in some really old version of the control. The version you are using is over 4 years old, so if this was a bug, it was probably fixed a long time ago.

    Have you tried editing a date field in any of the samples included with NetAdvantage to see if you get the same problem?

    If the same problem happens in the samples, then it's probably a bug, in which case you should try getting the latest service release.

    How to get the latest service release - Infragistics Community

    If that does not help, then the only option would be to upgrade to a newer version.

    If the problem does not occur in the samples, then it must be something in your application causing this - either in your code or some specific set of property settings on the grid.

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