With the WinMaskedEdit settings as you have specified here I am unable to recreate the behavior you are experiencing. Can you send my your sample? It will help me to identify what's happening.
Sincerely,TroyDeveloper Support Engineer
Hi Troy,
I have attached a test project.
I have commented out the code with FormatString. You can see the difference between a grid with MaskedEdit column and an other without.
With FormatString it seems to be OK first. But after editing the '.' disappers.
I just wanted to let you know that I have received your sample. I will return to you shortly with an update.
In reviewing your code I'm not right away seeing where you are setting your mask properties:
this.AllowShiftingAcrossSections = false; this.ClipMode = MaskMode.IncludeLiterals; this.DataMode = MaskMode.IncludeLiterals; this.DisplayMode = MaskMode.IncludeLiterals; this.TabNavigation = MaskedEditTabNavigation.NextSection;
this.DisplayStyle = EmbeddableElementDisplayStyle.Default; this.EditAs = EditAsType.String; this.InputMask = "nnnnn.aaa";
I see that you have a method for this, but I don't initialy see where you are calling the method. I only see where you are calling the overloaded method.
Actually, an easier way to handle setting these properties is by doing it in the UltraWinGrid Designer. In the UltraWinGrid Designer you would click on "Bands[0] - 'DataClass' --> Columns, and input the property values. I did this and it worked nicely.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
the overloaded constructor loads the default constructor, including the code above, via : this()
We can't handle the settings in the designer. It is a simplified example. In the real project we have more than one row types, and we have to use the InitializeRow event to handle the settings according the row type.
But I have the solution:
afterrow.Cells["Number"].EditorComponent = ...we have to call:row.Cells["Number"].Column.UseEditorMaskSettings = true;
Thank you.
Got it. Okay, please let me know if I can offer any further assistance with this.