if I use the Upgrade utility I get an error. On a second computer I get the same error. Whats's wrong?
Thank you
i've got the same error.
After a little bit debugging with Reflector.Pro (btw a great too for such purposes)
i found out that the following line in UpgradeToolBase.Version CreateVersion
"if (double.Parse(keyName.Substring(7)) >= 10.1)"
is the root cause of the problem. This resolves on a german pc to 73.0 for Version 7.3
because the dot in the german locale settings is used as an thousand-seperator and
not as a decimal seperator as in english locals.
Set the decimal seperator in your region and language settings to "." (the dot) while
upgrading projects.
Thank you for your good help, oalbrecht.
The problem is done and I can go on. Are you german?