We are using AppStyling and isl file has directives for setting the backcolour of the VlaueListItems. I want to change the backcolur of a column in the grid, because this column has a ValueList the backcolur for the cells where there is a value is overridden by the settings in the isl file and the cells that dont have a value have there back colur as specified by me.
How can I override the ValueListItems Appearance BackColour for only this column
If you want to use AppStylist to color the ValueListItems, then I recommend using the ValueList role, rather then than ValueListItems role.
If you use ValueListItems, then every ValueListItem will have an appearance applied to it. When an item is selected form the list, the grid cell will pick up that appearance. So it doesn't really make sense to use the ValueListItems role. The ValueList role will do the same thing - it will color the background of the entire ValueList, but without applying the appearance directly to each individual item.
Hi Mike,
My problem is that I can not change the isl file as it has already been shipped with the product installer and we are just shipping a fix. Is there a way to programaticlly override the isl file appearance for ValueList role or ValueListItems role for a given valuelist in the grid.