I noticed the UltraGridExporter.Export can take in a start row and start column, but how do you specify the end row, end column?
Our current datagrid, the user can export only selected cells to Excel, which we did by hand. We now use Infragistics so we do not have to do everything manually. We would like to still be able to export only the selected cells. I beleive I can use the UltraGridExporter with the start row and start column override. I realize this would not make since without being able to pass in end row, end column as well. Can someone tell me what I am overlooking?
Also, your textarea here is busted. The width is 3X longer than the containg DIV (CommonFormField) and there are no scroll bars. It was very hard to type this not being able to see most of my text. I typed this on IE6, only browser our approved by my company.
It seems like the best way to do this would be to manually check to see if the row or cell is selected and if not, cancel the export for that row. You can see an example of how to do this in this thread. You should be able to accomplish the same thing with selected cells, using the CellExporting event instead of the RowExporting event.
Hi Matt,
CellExporting will filter the data, but will still print out the same number of rows/columns. It will still print out cells even when you e.Cancel = True. This only filters the contents of the cell unlike the RowExported event which litterally does suppress the row from printing. I am going to go ahead and mark this as answered. Maybe there will be better support for this in future versions.