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Can I have an UltraMonthViewMulti with no date selection (only month/year)?

I need a dropdown control to select a month & year, and I was hoping to find something without making my own. The UltraMonthViewMulti control looks perfect with the month and year scroll buttons and the month/year in the title bar, except I can't find a way to get rid of the date selection area. Even setting the control's maximum height to cut off the lower section didn't work. You can make the year, month, and week components invisible, but why not the date?

Any ideas?

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  • 69832
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    I'm having a little trouble visualizing what you are describing, but it sounds like you are trying to use the control for something that it wasn't designed to do. You might want to consider using a standard ComboBox that is populated with each month of the year for each year that resides in your valid range.
