We're using UltraMonthViewSingle to display a month and would like to change they way the trailing days are being displayed.
Specifically, make them a bit more grayish, or change their backcolor a bit.
Is this possible?
Hello Ziv,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
You can achieve this by setting up a UltraCalendarLook and setting the TrailingDataAppearance settings and then setting the CalendarLook property of the UltaMonthViewSingle:https://es.infragistics.com/help/winforms/infragistics.win.ultrawinschedule~infragistics.win.ultrawinschedule.ultracalendarlook~trailingdayappearance
Hi Mike,
I tried that but it didn't do anything on the UltraMonthViewSingle.
From your documentation it clearly states:
"The only controls which utilize this setting are the UltraMonthViewMulti and UltraCalendarCombo"
Am I missing something?