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Splitter position when resize of a form


Meanwhile in the ultra exciting winsplitter forum...

I have a form that starts center parent and is a particular size (let's say 1024 x 768). The form has two tab controls and a splitter in the  middle.

When i resize the form the spitter does not maintain the same size ratio ....meaning the left control is 1/3 the screen and the right control is taking the rest. How can I make it that the splitter maintains the same space percentage on resize of the form? IE if the left control is 20% and the right control is 80% that it stays that when when getting bigger / smaller?



  • 6158
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


    The UltraSplitterBar is functionally similar to the .NET SplitterBar, not the .NET SplitContainer. As such, UltraSplitter is used to change the actual size of the parenting control. It is not designed to automatically scale the size of the parenting control when the container of the parenting control changes size.

    You should be able to achieve this functionality by keeping track of the size ratio between the parenting control and it's container, and then changing the size of the parenting control when the size of the container changes.

    I've attached a simple sample that demonstrates this functionality. Let me know if you have any questions.